First Coffee Date Of 2018

wp-1472756999291.jpgToday I'm joining the Ultimate Coffee Date for some catching up.  It's the first coffee date of 2018! So go grab your favorite beverage of choice and have a seat and let's catch up.

I'm sipping on some coffee today. My brew for today is the Kansas City Dark Roast by the Roasterie.  I picked some up when I went home over Thanksgiving... they really make some good coffee.  I grind my beans by hand and use a french press for more of a mindful coffee experience.

First Coffee Date Of 2018

Over Coffee...

I'd tell you that I am an ambassador for Trail Racing Over Texas.  I ran 2 of their trail races last year and I just can't say enough nice things about them.  The encouragement and support that I felt from them while running (and not knowing them from Adam) was incredible.  I'm really looking forward to working with them this year.  If you are in Texas and interested in trail running... seek them out! They have a race distance for everyone... from 5k to 200 milers.

First Coffee Date Of 2018

I'd mention that the Houston Marathon is NEXT WEEKEND. I can't believe it is already here, the time FLEW between Chicago.  Right now the forecast is calling for cold, low in the 30s/high in 50s and sunny.  That's some weather I can get behind!First Coffee Date Of 2018

I'd tell you that I still don't have a clue what races I'm doing this year past January.  After the Houston Marathon I have a trail race - Running The Rose planned... but beyond that it's a blank slate, I have a couple of ideas... I just need to sit down and plan it out.

First Coffee Date Of 2018I'd ask if you were affected by the bomb cyclone, or the brutally cold temperatures.  We had some sub-freezing temperatures last week, but we are warming back up.  I recently purchased some Icelandic tights from Spandits! Since I live in Texas, I wasn't sure that I really needed them, but I am sure glad I did.  I wore them to work the day it stayed in the 30s and they kept me toasty.  These are quite a bit thicker than regular thermal tights, and they really block the wind.  If you're interested, head over to, spanditslove saves you 10% (be sure to tell them Vicki sent you).

First Coffee Date Of 2018

Well, that catches me up...what would you tell me, if we were having coffee?

I'm linking up with Got 2 Run 4 Me & Confessions of a Mother Runner for the Ultimate Coffee Date!


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  1. That weather sounds like perfect running weather! Good luck to you!

    I saw on the news yesterday that a group in Texas was saving sea turtles from that water because it was so cold. They were putting them in plastic baby pools. It was so sweet but sad at the same time.

  2. I don't think what we have is considered the bomb cyclone (in Iowa), though the temps are crazy cold. It's always cold in Iowa during the winter months, but never this cold for so long at a time. It's gonna feel tropical when it eventually returns to the "seasonal" temps ;-)

  3. Dark roast coffees are my favorite too. I wish I liked trail running but I have fallen a few times. Even sprained my ankle once so I am afraid to try again. Thanks for joining us for coffee today

  4. Good luck with your marathon! The weather sounds perfect.

  5. I almost bought a pair of those spandits tights myself but just wasn't sure I'd get enough wear out of them here in Mississippi. Yes, we had temps consistently in the teens this past week but it was short lived... we're supposed to be back in the 60s next week!!

    Good luck with your marathon ...those are perfect running temps!!

  6. Those are very cute tights! In the years that I ran a January marathon, I couldn't think past it to plan anything! I believe you'll have more clarity about the year after it is all over. The weather sounds perfect for it. Good luck and enjoy!

  7. I'm hoping the forecast sticks!

    Oh... I'm glad they saved them! I've been worried about the iguanas in FL that have been freezing then falling from the trees.

  8. This winter has been crazy weather wise... I've only live here 10 years, and we've never had 5 days straight of sub-freezing temperatures.

  9. Oh yikes to the sprained ankle. I admit I am afraid of falling too... I often walk the really technical parts.

  10. Yes, our cold weather is short lived too (thankfully!)

  11. Hmm... now that you mention it, I think I had the same issue last year with running my 1st marathon in January and not really knowing what I would be able to handle afterwards.

  12. Yayyyy. Good luck on the Houston Marathon. You got this, lady!

  13. Those Icelandic tights are super cute! We've had pretty decent weather here in Vegas (lows in the 40s, highs in the 60s), so I can't complain! Good luck at the Houston marathon. Those temps do sound perfect for a race, so I hope they stay true to the forecast. :)

  14. I LOVE trail running, I never thought about Texas but it makes sense! Will have to check out your races to see which one should go on my bucket list.

  15. Congrats on your ambassadorship! That's so awesome! :]! Best of luck to you on your marathon, and I really hope it warms up soon. I need some Icelandic tights!! :P

  16. I lived in Austin 17 years -- it definitely gets cold enough for warmer gear. It just doesn't stay that way! But then you get all the heat.

    The weather sounds good for a marathon (except the start!).

    It's definitely been brutally cold here, but sunny. Go figure. It taunts me.

  17. Yes... that sunshine makes it look like it would be warmer.

  18. Oh... they are warm and cozy!

  19. There are some really great ones!
