Workouts - Last Week Today - June 11

Workouts Last Week TodayWelcome to my weekly workout recap, today I'm recapping my workouts from last week today.

There isn't much to report this week.  With training for the Chicago marathon kicking off on the 19th, I opted to take it easy.  My legs are still feeling less than stellar (not sure why, thinking those dang burpees), and I need them to feel as fresh as possible during traing.  I rolled as much as I could remember to do, and by Saturday, my legs started feeling much better!  I kept up on my plank-a-day x2, with the exception of Monday (I was just too exhausted).

Both runs this week were with my dog Anam... she is always ready to go out!  I know that the days of her coming along are soon going to end until we get over the brutal temps of summer, so I'm taking advantage of every opportunity we have.

Workouts Last Week Today:

Sunday - Pajama day!!!  1:00 am plank, 1:00 pm plank.

Monday - Rest.  1:00 am plank.

Tuesday - Unplanned rest day... as I was lacing up to go run, a thunderstorm with some impressive lightning formed over me.  1:00 am plank, 1:00 pm plank.

Wednesday - Rest. 1:00 am plank, 1:00 pm plank.

Thursday - 4:00 miles with Anam. 1:00 am plank, 1:00 pm plank.

Friday - Rest. 1:00 am plank, 1:00 pm plank.

Saturday - 5 miles with Anam.  1:00 am plank, 1:00 pm plank.


Total Miles = 9

I'm linking up with HoHo Runs and MissSippi Piddlin’, and special guest hostess Kooky Runner for the Weekly Wrap.


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  1. So smart to rest up this week since Chicago Marathon training starts soon! I love that you do daily planks. I need to incorporate more core work into my training!

    Thanks for linking up for the Weekly Wrap!

  2. I think you are wise to take it easy before embarking on marathon training. Looking forward to following your journey.

  3. I agree it's great to start off your training on fresh legs and take a rest for a few days

  4. Bandit is a fair weather runner. He seems ok with cold, but not too wet & not too hot. It's got to be just right for him! Unfortunately for him he hasn't had a run in a while.

  5. Good idea to rest before you start training.

    Anam is so cute! I love running with my dog but I don't do it often enough. It has to be the right, cool temperature though, and we always have many pitstops along the way!

  6. I'm incorporating a lot of other stuff into my training this go-round.

  7. My legs were very happy that I took it easy@!

  8. I took a full week off last week and my legs thanked me for it!

  9. A little "goldilocks" :-)

  10. Ha! The amazing thing is I'm still getting them in for the most part :-)
