Workouts - Last Week Today - April 30

Workouts Last Week TodayWelcome to my weekly workout recap, today I'm recapping my workouts from last week today.

This week seemed like a low activity week...  I was able to get in 3 runs this week (2 with the dogs), and I continued with my plank-a-day and daily squats on most days and got 3 arm workouts done.  My monthly visitor came on Sunday, and I just had no motivation or energy to do anything (TMI?).

Workouts Last Week Today:

Sunday - Rest.

Monday - Rest.

Tuesday - 4 miles easy with Anam. 1:00 plank, 60 squats, arms.

Wednesday -  Rest. 1:00 plank, 60 squats, arms.

Thursday - 5 miles easy with Sorcha. 1:00 plank, 60 squats, arms.

Friday - 8 miles. 30 squats.

Saturday - March for Climate.

Total Miles = 17

I'm linking up with HoHo Runs and MissSippi Piddlin’ for the Weekly Wrap.


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  1. you had a really busy week! Lots of my friends went to the climate march and it was over 90 degrees here that day

  2. I'm just curious, how long will you run with each of your dogs? I was always worried about overdoing it with my Mini. We all need low activity weeks from time to time! Thanks for linking, Vicki!

  3. We work up the mileage, and each one has their limit. Anam (the smaller one) 6 miles is her top, while Sorcha has gone 12 miles with me. I'm sad that the time is coming to a close to run with them (I don't like to push them in the heat/humidity of summer)
