Workouts - Last Week Today - September 11

fontover_201671013354641-1.jpgThis week I came off a week of rest. I am in my 9th week of training for the Houston Half.  There isn't a lot to tell about this week, as I spent it mostly resting. However, I am happy to report my foot is on the mend... and feeling so much better!!

I decided to play it safe for a few days and listen to my body. It was tough, but necessary. I started doing my foot stretching and strengthening exercises that I had stopped after my foot had started feeling better in the spring.  I will continue to do them, as I've determined pre-hab beats re-hab.

Here's how my week shook out:

Sunday - Rest

Monday - Rest

Tuesday - Easy 3 miler with Anam. She was so excited to go, I was happy to have her for company (I knew she would keep me at an easy pace)!


Wednesday - Rest

Thursday - Rest

Friday - Rest

Saturday - Easy 5 miles. Midway through this run, I took a nose dive to the pavement.  The hubs has come up with a "running kit" for me, which includes knee pads, a helmet, and a 12-pack of little mermaid bandaids.


Total miles = 8

I'm linking up with HoHo Runs and MissSippi Piddlin’ for the Weekly Wrap; and Nicole, Annmarie, Jen, and Michelle for Wild Workout Wednesday.

WeeklyWrapwild wednesday

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  1. Ouch!!! You know, I recently wrote a post on picking up pennies and I had a few comments about how those runners don't look at the ground when they run! So either they live in a place where the path is smooth or they are very lucky. I've tripped many times.

  2. On my goodness! You scraped your knees good. It could have been worse though. You are lucky in that regard. I'm glad to hear your foot is on the mend. I don't know why it's so hard to remember to do pre-hab. When I'm feeling well, that stuff just goes out the window. I should know better. Thanks for linking, Vicki.

  3. ouch to the knees! Pre-had is indeed much easier than re-hab. I need to constantly remind myself of that. I'm in the midst of 26.2 training, and my coach has me doing a lot of exercises as warm-ups and daily's a struggle to get it all done, but I know it's all preventative. Thanks for the reminder ;-)

  4. I don't know how people can't look at the ground! I've even tripped where the path is smooth :-)

  5. Yes, thankfully it wasn't a lot worse.

  6. It is hard to remember sometimes when you are feeling good!

  7. Ouch! That looks like a good little tumble you took there! I've stumbled a few times myself....tripped on a dang pin cone, rolled my ankle and hit the ground. Because it was on a fairly busy street, I did one of those quick little 'jump ups' looking around to see if anyone saw me...worried more about how ridiculous I must've looked than my bleeding hands and knees. Haha! We runners are a strange breed! Pre-hab??? What's that??? I should heed your advice on this one..but I'm, oh, so hard headed! :)

  8. Ouch! Your knees look sore. Sorry to hear about your fall. Take some time to heal up.

  9. Love the running kit with knee pads. I've needed that on many a run. I hope the wounds are healing well! I'm so glad your foot is doing better and sounds like rest is exactly what you needed.

  10. Oh I didn't know you had a foot injury :( It's frustrating taking rest during an injury, good for you for listening to your body. I'm starting to do that more after learning the hard way. I'm training for a half myself and am getting over an IT band injury. It's just no fun.
    Your knees!!! You poor thing :( That looks awfully nasty - take care of yourself girl!

  11. OH no I hope your knees are better, that looks like a nasty fall you took! Seeing you running with your dog reminds me I have to get in a 5k virtual run with my pup for the Dog Days of Summer virtual run still!

  12. Funny... yes, I usually look around to see who saw me fall too. This time, some dude in a truck saw me and shouted out "are you ok"... so that was nice. Pre-hab... those pesky strengthening/stretching exercises that you always hear about, or may have been told to do, but never do because it is too hard to fit in sometimes :-)

  13. Thanks! I'm surprised they don't hurt all that much, I was expecting some ugly bruises.

  14. My hubs... the comedian. Wounds are healing well, I'm actually surprised I didn't have some awful bruising.

  15. It is very frustrating... IT band injury, ouch! Good luck in your upcoming half.
    Knees are healing nicely, thankfully I didn't have a big ugly bruise from the fall.

  16. The knees are better, thank you!
