5 Runfessions for August

tumblr_n2ea8rC3z71qdxa23o1_1280Happy Friday!!!

This week has been a doozie! I am so happy the work week is over and the weekend is upon us.  I don't have many plans for the weekend, which is fine with me, I've been so exhausted this week... I see running, napping and relaxing in my future.

This is the last Friday of the month... I'm trying something new and linking up with Runfessions and the Friday 5. I do have some things on my mind to Runfess!

  1. I seem to be having more bad runs than good runs lately.  I think it is due to the insufferable heat and humidity.  I know that this phase will pass and I'm thankful that I didn't sign up for my first marathon to be in the fall.

  2. I haven't been foam rolling as much as I should be.  This week I got the foam roller out and what a difference it has made to my sore legs.  I do feel so much better when I foam roll!20150929_185850.jpg

  3. I've been randomly bursting out in huge fits of laughter on my runs this week while I've been listening to Furiously Happy.  While it is a book about living with mental illness, it is furiously funny.  happy

  4. I wasted 1/2 a can of chickpeas when I was rinsing them to prepare Thai Green Curry Sandwich.  So, I had to multiply the recipe by 1.5... it ended up being a good thing because this stuff is so good! I did manage to save all the aqua faba to use later.

  5. I've been in a little bit of trouble with my "safety officer" (aka "the hubs")... you see, he doesn't like it when I run in the rain or when it gets dark.  I haven't been able to help doing either lately.

I'm linking up with Eat Pray Run DC, Mar on the Run and You Signed Up For What for the Friday Five link up and with Marcia's Healthy Slice for Runfessions.

friday 5 Runfessions

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  1. I have been so bad at foam rolling as well. I need to start incorporating that daily. That Tai green curry sandwich sounds tasty!

  2. Ha! I love that your hubby is so protective of you. Very sweet. I'd let foam rolling fall by the wayside as well and had the niggles to show for it. Thankfully I am back on that wagon, as well as the dynamic stretching one. Thanks for linking!

  3. oh i totally need a funny book right now, so thank you for the recommendation!!!!

  4. Ah yes, I have a safety officer too. I use the Road ID app so he knows when/where I'm running. I haven't been running in the dark though -- I'm just too tired in the mornings lately!

    I'm actually quite good about my foam rolling. I won't say I never skip it, but I do it more often than I don't.

  5. I need to get out my foam roller this weekend. My legs have been missing it but I keep forgetting!

  6. Isn't it funny that we forget to foam roll but then one roll and it is the best thing ever! Happy Saturday!

  7. Yes to number 1 -- except I DID sign up for a fall marathon. Sigh. I need to check out Furiously Happy!

  8. Yuck - it is no fun running in humidity at all. You are totally reminding me to foam roll!!!! Mine poor foam roller has been forgotten and shoved to the back of my closet. Time to dust it off and start using it again, as like you, I know I feel so much better when I use it regularly.
    Adding the book to my to-read list =) And safety officer? Haha I like that and may call my hubby that too. My running route of choice lately is before the sunrises in a sketchy area by the train tracks... ;)

  9. My legs feel so much better after a good foam roll, I'm not quite sure why I keep putting it on the back burner.

  10. It is sweet, but annoying at the same time :-)

  11. I've looked into getting that app.
